Success Fundamentals - The Battle-Field of the Mind (Episode 3)

Hello friends. How are you today? I am sure some of us must be sleeping now, others may be going about their daily activities. This is dependent on the side of the world we are. Today, I am updating my blog post on “SUCCESS FUNDAMENTAL". It is a series of write-ups that is broken down into six episodes. Overtime, I have published two episodes. The first one can be found here , while the second one is here . At the moment, I will be bringing to you the episode 3 of Success Fundamentals - The Battle-Field of the Mind, which is written by Emeka Nwonu , a Speaker, Trainer, Life Coach and Creativity Consultant. The Battle-Field of the Mind (Episode 3) A decision is left for the owner of the mind to either throw his weight behind the Forces of WILL or pitch camp with the Forces of RUIN. Whatsoever his decision is, it comes with weighty consequences either for good or bad. Whenever you see a poor, miserable man devoid of ideas on what next to do to improve his situation, you can ...