Value of Almond Nuts

Why eat nutritious almond nuts?

Have you ever heard of almond nuts? Do you have any idea of how these nuts are to our body (skin and hair)? So, I will give you relevant information on that. Hang on, as we peruse through this cogent information.
Almond nuts are rich sources of vitamins, and minerals, which are packed with numerous health promoting phyto-chemicals. These nuts contain well-balanced food principles that are essential for optimum health and wellness.
Almonds nuts are a complete source of energy and nutrients that are rich in mono-unsaturated fatty acids, which help in reducing bad cholesterol, while increasing the good cholesterol in the human body. Also, they are an excellent source of Vitamin E - a powerful antioxidant required protecting skin from harm. In addition, these nuts are packed with many important B-complex groups of vitamins as well as minerals.
Oil can be extracted from these nuts and applied regularly to the skin to keep it well protected from dryness. This oil can also be used in cooking and can serve as base oil in various traditional medicines, aromatherapy and cosmetic industries.

Benefits of Almonds


Almond nuts help in the development and health of the human brain. Overtime, they have been connected to a higher intellectual level and are considered an essential food item for growing children. It is also advisable to give children two or three almonds soaked in water every morning. So, if your almond nuts are shelled, you remove the outer shell because the majority of the nutrients are in the nut itself.


The mono-unsaturated fats, protein and potassium contents of almond nuts are good for the heart. Vitamin E is effectively reduces the risk of heart diseases, while magnesium in almonds can help avoid heart attacks.
Almond nuts help to regulates blood pressure and control fluctuating blood pressure. Also, they help regulate the absorption and processing of glucose in the body, thereby making the entire process smoother and safer. Thus, they can help reduce artery inflammation.


Almonds contain folic acid, which helps reduce the incidence of birth defects in newborn babies. It also stimulates the growth of healthy cells and tissue formation. Due to doctors’ prescription of regular in-take of folic acid supplements for pregnant women to ensure proper development of the tube, almond nuts can also be taken regularly to keep mothers and their babies’ health.
Therefore, it is recommendable to eat a handful of almond nuts every day to provide us with much of the recommended levels of minerals, vitamins, and protein.


  1. Wow!!! This is revealing. How come I have not been consuming a handful of them? Thanks Kenny.

    1. Thank you very much, Emeka. I am happy this information is useful to you. This is the reason I published this post

  2. Well detailed write up, keep it up my dear.

    1. Thank you very much for your encouragement, Joseph


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