SUCCESS FUNDAMENTALS - The Battle field of the Mind. (Episode 1)

Hi friends, happy new week. For the next six weeks, I will be sharing with you “Success Fundamental” written by Emeka Nwonu, a Speaker, Trainer, Life Coach and Creativity Consultant. I hope these write-ups will inspire you to take positive actions in your lives. Kindly tune in for the latest post every Monday for the next six weeks. Thank you.

Today, I will be sharing with you, the episode one of Success Fundamental “Battle field of the Mind”.

Every individual has two Worlds in his lifetime delicately balanced and poised to either make or mar him. They are the 'World Within' and the 'World Without'. The World Within is characterised by the workings of the mind and it's tendency to provide the battlefield for the clash of two mighty forces seeking dominion and control of the mind. The mind in this instance is only a Spectator and watches as the drama unfolds.

The World Without is the Physical World and it is expressed fully by the outcome of the battle in the World Within. This world is a reflection of the World Within. Every area of an individual's life in the World Without has been fought for and either won or lost in the World Within. There is never a stalemate in such battles as in the case of the game of chess. It is a scenario of 'winner-takes-all', but thankfully, there is always room for second chances to re-claim what has been lost.

The Mind is a battle-field where all battles are either won or lost even before they are started. The battlefield of the mind is so vast that it knows no boundary or limitation. Its only limitation is the one set by its owner anchored on his ignorance about the vastness of his property - he carries it everywhere he goes oblivious of the fact that he possesses riches only him can harness from the gold mines of his mind. The riches in the gold mines of the mind then begin to attract the attention of two powerful forces treading the long stretch of land in the mind. The desire for dominion sets in once more and old rivalry is rekindled. The owner becomes entangled by these forces working in opposition to seek dominion of the other. (to be continued)


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