SUCCESS FUNDAMENTALS - The Battle field of the Mind. (Episode 2)

Hi friend, I believe you had a dreamy night. This write-up is a continuation from last week’s post on success fundamental, which is brought to you by Emeka Nwonu, a Speaker, Trainer, Life Coach and Creativity Consultant.
Before I proceed to the business of the day, which is of course a compelling but multi-dimensional task, I must do that which is required and that is reminding you of the deepness and maximum concentration needed for what I'm about to share. LET’S SHOOT!

The two rival forces of the mind - the 'Forces of WILL' and the Forces of 'RUIN' are engaged in a clash of the titans for the solitary aim of having exclusive rights to the complete control of the mind.

If the victory goes to the Forces of WILL, they breed SUCCESS and export it as a by-product to the World Without. On the other hand, if the victory goes to the Forces of RUIN, they breed failure and mediocrity and as well export it to the World Without.
Remember that this battle fought is in the World Within. That is why when you see the state of an individual in the World Without, it is a reflection of the World Within.

On a personal level, whenever I set my sights to achieve a goal or aim, it starts with the ability for me to have the mind-set of a Champion - believing 'I CAN ACHIEVE ANYTHING' my mind conceives by throwing my support behind the Forces of WILL via my ACTIONS, which are directed at achieving my goal. The WILL power is so crucial because it is what takes you above the level of mere desire to the lofty heights of DOING (ACTION). No wonder a wise man once said; "one average action is far greater that one million brilliant intentions".
In the words of Bates; "he basked in the sun, he played in the moon. He lived a life of going to do and died with nothing done".
Living a life of 'going to do' is synonymous to having brilliant intentions without ACTION. The Forces of RUIN seek to control the mind for this one cause (going to do).

The decision is now left for the owner of the mind to make - he either throws his weight behind the Forces of WILL or pitch camp with the Forces of RUIN. (to be continued)‎


  1. This piece is an an eye-opener for everyone because we tend to undermine the significance of these two mighty invincible forces..

    1. I do agree dear. That is the reason I am happy to publish this post


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